Assassin's Creed Review by Azasoth


Have you ever played a Prince of Persia game and loved the climbing system and want more games with good climbing? Well Ubisoft has made one: Assassin’s Creed!

In this game you play as an assassin (duh!) called Altaïr. Altaïr betrays the Assassin’s Creed and has all his stuff removed, so he has to kill 9 people to get them and his reputation back. Assassin’s Creed is an extremely realistic game besides the whole, jump of building in haystack thing. The graphics are very pretty but occasionally there’s a big graphics glitch like invisible buildings or something. The gameplay is another good part about Assassin’s Creed with TEHAWSOMNESSZ CLIMBING!!! Any thing sticking out 2 inches you can climb on. The fighting is fun with combos, counters and actual enemies. :D Assassins creed is a game to get!

9.5/10 3D cubes (graphics)

10/10 Tennis balls (gameplay)

8/10 Banana phones (audio)

9.2/10 :D’s (total)


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