Hav u plaid a Final Fantasy gaim, loved the game but hated the turn based fighting? Well if u did, this iz da pefekt gem for u. da gaim haz improovd a whole lot since da last two big hitz, FFX and and FFX-2. The new fightzing stile letz u pauz the gaim to selekt wat u want to do den it startz a gauge. Wen da gauge getz full da move iz dun. Da same hapens for da enami exept da enami duznt hav to pauz to selekt hiz move. The stori iz abowt a guy kolld Vaan hoo's brada died in a war. Vaan iz mad atz da noo leedaand at da jujjez and wantz do do sumting. I luvz da noo huntz and da weponz r pretti pwnzing. Dair iz no dout dat dis iz wan ov da bezt gimz on Ps2!
10/10- strobe lightz (graphicz)
9.2/10- screeming leetxorz (audio)
9/10- rrokkett launchxorz (gameplay)
9.4/10- awsumnesses (TOTAL)
- 006I807